• Corallus caninus

    The emerald tree boa is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, northern Bolivia, and Brazil in the Amazon Basin of South America, and from Venezuela to Suriname and Guyana. In the Amazon Basin there are a number of variant populations in southern Suriname, southern Guyana, southern Venezuela to Colombia, Peru and Brazil, and in the forests surrounding the Amazon River.

  • Calumma parsonii

    Parson's chameleons are one of the longest-lived chameleon species, with males surviving to a minimum of 9 years of age and females to 8 years of age. They can achieve exceptional longevity in captivity. Life expectancy is estimated at 10 to 12 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.

  • Terrapene carolina

    Carolina box turtles live in open woodlands, swampy meadows, floodplains, and shrubby prairie areas. The turtle is found in the United States from Maine and Michigan to Texas and Florida. It is also found in southern Ontario, Canada, as well as in the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. The three U.S. subspecies, the Eastern Box Turtle, the Gulf Coast Box Turtle, and the Florida Elephant Turtle, are found in areas roughly as named.